I have to get something off my chest. I am really tired of hearing people tell me how bad the economy is. I hear it from lawyers, teachers, cashier at Starbucks, retirees, unemployed people, and people with no drive or commitment to be the best that they can be. “The economy is bad” or “in this economy it is tough to do…” they tell me. Really??? Really??? Really??? I ask the question 3 times when someone or something really gets me going. It is a tough economy yet there are still people thriving and growing businesses better then ever. The economy is not horrible, it is the media that gets us scared. The economy is throwing curve balls at us and testing us out to see how we can survive. All I see is how many weak people there are out there.
I know someone in their 50’s that is an accountant and had a high paying job which they lost to someone younger for less money. They are afraid they will never find a job at this rate. My take on it is this…”stop your crying. You made $200k+ for so many years and things went well. You have a baseline, experience, and a resume. Think outside the box. Consider starting your own business and giving it a shot. Take some risks but don’t splurge away everything you have. Put your silly college degree that you earned to use by thinking about how you can make a difference in the world and let it provide you with benefits you never imagined you would have.” We are so conditioned to give up and be sad about everything. This is why I love GRANT CARDONE. He tells it like it really is. He motivates when he speaks about not being sold on your own value or when he speaks about the media putting negatives thoughts in our head.
Now let’s be real, it is all about what we make of it. My case in point…
I have been consulting with a dealer group recently that consists of three hot products. Two of the products are getting hotter and hotter. One of the dealerships is a Hyundai dealership that is consistently number one in their district. The more I am in the store the more I am learning about the operation. I met one of the sales consultants there that really makes a true success story about automotive sales. Here is a man who worked in that one store for over 20 years. He sells an average of 60 units per month and has an assistant that helps makes phone calls. 60 UNITS PER MONTH!!!
Hello, that is more then some dealerships are selling as a whole operation.
The other day I was observing the BDC and I heard him go through a delivery in the showroom with his customers. Talk about relationship building. The man knows everything about every one of his customers. He cares about them and he holds intelligent conversations with every one of them. He provides an experiences and people come in to always ask for him. The only fresh up he ever gets is an appointment that is generated from the BDC and the rest of his dealers are simply repeats and referrals. His assistant makes follow up calls and manages his schedule so that he works with customers by appointment only. I say this again, “60 UNITS PER MONTH!”. He makes a great living and lives a comfortable life as well as works a comfortable schedule. I am sure if I ask him how he feels about the economy, he will tell me that it is great and it does not bother him.
So my question to the pubic is, if this person can thrive and sell 60 units per month in a tough economy, why couldn’t anyone else do it?
It is simple, find your opportunity and make sure you represent a good product and work smart. Build relationships and work your opportunity (pay plan).
As a person that has dealt with some interesting situations over the last few years, I always make the best of things and keep it positive. This is why I continue to grind it out and build ideas because I know I will one day hit my own home run.
So ask yourself…is the economy really bad or are you just not living up to your potential?