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Guest Relations vs. Customer
Check out our latest video excerpt that was taken from a recent BDC Training Webinar that was conducted by Stan Sher of Dealer eTraining. In this article the concept of “Guest Relations” in the dealership is discussed. We replace the phrase “Business Development Center” (BDC) with “Guest Relations Center” (GRC). This is a concept that has become a part of the culture in some of our clients dealerships. The whole idea here is to have a more professional image in front of the consumer. When you treat your visitors or prospects like guests instead of customer you have more of a chance to do business with them.
The five companies described in the video are excellent examples of how guest relations is practiced in successful businesses. Another great name for the title is “Client Care Center”. The BDC Manager would be the Client Care Manager and the reps would be Client Care Representative. Just imagine how much nicer that looks in the signature of an email than BDC Representative. Sales people in dealerships need to also understand how the guest relations concept works. It should be mandatory for every employee of a dealership to go through Guest Relations training. What do you think? Does it make sense? Let’s hear some thoughts on this topic.
I appreciate the detail in this article. Well written and too the point!
Great article; Appreciate the insight!
Great post! Your details are very helpful. Thanks for your work.
Thank you very much.